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The Gaspé SADC takes the economic crisis arising from the COVID-19 pandemic very seriously..

Short practical guide for entrepreneurs in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

The following measures have been put in place.

For clients holding a loan with the Gaspé SADC
3-month moratorium on principal and interest payments
Contact Sandy Beaulieu


For Réseau M mentees
Special support for mentees
Contact Sophie Bourdages


Temporary emergency fund (TEF)

For businesses experiencing financial difficulties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic

$5,000 to $20,000 business loan
3-month moratorium on principal and interest payments
Prime lending rate or 3%, whichever is higher
24 to 48 month amortisation period
Quick disbursement

Principal criteria:

 Clearly demonstrate sound financial health pre-crisis
 Clearly demonstrate crisis-related losses and liquidity needs
 Have made use of all available payment options
 Demonstrate a potential for post-crisis recovery


Form to complete




E-mail form to


Technical support program for enterprises and organisations in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Assistance to support accounting firms that complete documents or perform diagnostics in order to obtain emergency financial assistance offered by various funding agencies in the context of the COVID-19 crisis

Non-refundable financial assistance

50% of costs, maximum $750


Form to complete 


E-mail form to

Regular SADC financing measures

MRC de La Côte de Gaspé table of available aid

For more details, call us at 418-368-2906

If you can’t reach us at this line, call 418-360-4386

SADC de Gaspé

Suivez-nous !

Pour nous joindre

15, rue Adams, bureau 200,

Gaspé (Québec)

G4X 1E5

Téléphone : (418) 368-2906

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