Support provided via the Technical Assistance Program for Enterprises and Organisations (TAPEO) gives small enterprises and organisations access to specialist expertise in various fields considered crucial in the economy of Québec and Canada, with the aim of improving their productivity and profitability to ensure their long-term survival.
The financial assistance must make a difference. It can cover up to 80% of expenses, to a maximum of $2,000. It may be combined with funding from other organisations, but the promoter must always invest at least 20% of the cost of the project.
Main eligibility criteria
For enterprises or organisations with an economic vocation that employ no more than 50 people;
Enterprises or organisations must have their main place of business within La Côte-de-Gaspé;
Projects must generate economic spinoffs in the La Côte-de-Gaspé RCM;
The project must comply with conflict of interest rules; and
The enterprise invests sufficient capital (at least 20%).
Terms and conditions
The program runs from April 1, 2024 to February 28, 2025 or until available funds have been exhausted;
Enterprises may submit a project for the period between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2029; and must not have received any other form of non-refundable assistance from the SADC de Gaspé in the previous two years;
Interventions in enterprises or organisations will take the form of diagnostics, strategic plans, specialised interventions, etc.;
The supplier's invoice must be made out to SADC de Gaspé;
R&D, test-experimentation and prototyping projects are not eligible;
The outcome of an innovation project must belong to the enterprise or organisation; and
The SADC may only support one project per year by a related enterprise or enterprise conglomerate.
Eligible expenses
Professional fees (consultants, accountants, tax specialists, lawyers, notaries, business valuation experts, computer graphics experts, etc.);
Consultants' travel expenses; and
Purchase of documentation.
Typical interventions
Clearly identify innovation needs;
Establish an innovation culture; or
Develop a sustainable innovation strategy.
Conduct an internal sustainable development exercise;
Draw up a sustainable development plan;
Identify the most effective and relevant technologies and processes; or
Implement projects that reduce the environmental footprint.
Implement management and production tools that promote the digital transition (CRM, process automation).
Development of a market positioning strategy;
Development of a communication and1or marketing strategy;
Use of social networks effectivelyè
Development of a sustainable e-commerce website
Identify the relevant expertise needed to assist enterprises significantly owned by women, First Nations members or entrepreneurs from groups less represented in the entrepreneurial community to increase their business activities and ensure greater profitability for their enterprise.
(Assistance reserved for clients of SADC de Gaspé investment funds)
Support entrepreneurs by covering part of the professional fees associated with the transaction.
Definition of an action plan that responds to orientations and objectives bases on an analysis of the internal and external environments
(For entreprises less than a year old)
Develop a brand image for the enterprise.
SADC de Gaspé
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